Sex Gaming for Stress Relief? Porn Games Might Be a New Helper

The porn game industry is blowing up. The surge in sex game popularity aligns largely with a mainstream gaming industry that's generating billions of dollars in annual sales. Many mainstream games feature sexual nature content, so it is no surprise that porn game sites, particularly free ones, are booming.


But there's a new seemingly unobvious use for porn games – stress relief.


Hey, slow your roll, I'm not suggesting that your therapist will suggest that you start playing porn games to solve your mid-life crisis. Well, at least I assume a professional therapist wouldn't do such. But who knows? In this modern world where there is momentum to prescribe MMDA for anxiety and post-traumatic stress disorder, nothing should surprise us.


There are a couple of ways that playing porn games might relieve stress. One of life's primary stressors is our dating lives. As a Black Fuckbook article discusses in-depth, Dating stress certainly affects most of us. But also, dating or marriage in general is stressful. And the heart of that stress? Sex. Always, sex.


The stress regarding sex in any relationship centers around communication, or a lack thereof. People love having sex with each other but hate talking about it.




That's a difficult question to answer. More bizarrely, the longer we are in a relationship, the less we are comfortable talking about sex. In other words, the more you get to know a girl, the less you are comfortable discussing your preferred sexual kinks and fetishes. It's absurd, but it is also true. It is pretty much built into the design of our relationships.


Some people ignore the issue entirely and opt to have affairs to retrieve lost lust. Others more maturely opt for therapy. And then others, well, they watch porn or play porn games together. And maybe that's a better option than we think.


Porn games allow people the opportunity to play out sexual kinks and fantasies on a virtual platform. There's almost no way to avoid talking about sexy kinks and fetishes when you play a porn game. How could you avoid talking about the content of a game you are playing with someone else?


The interactivity involved in a porn game prompts discussions about kinks we like and kinks we don't like. This mutual exchange of communication builds trust and comfort between two horny people. It engages on the level of trust. It opens up the sex communication flood gates. And once those gates open, there is no stopping the flood of information that burst out.


Once you start talking about sex, you get more and more comfortable with the idea. You get more turned on. And you begin realizing what your partner really wants in sex. It's truly a win-win for bother partners.


Porn games bond us. They mend relationships. Yeah, I know how crazy all that sounds, but if you and your partner are in a sex slump, it might be time to search for some free porn game sites and escorts.